
Posted by John on Friday, 17 May

mofongo image Sheik reeled back from the impact of the slap but kept his feet. Blood darkened his face to the color of beef liver; the imprint of the sergeants hand glowed purple red. His pale yellow eyes looked wildcat crazy. But he kept his lip buttoned. mofongo When I ask you a question spread the word to end the word want you to answer it, the sergeant said. He didnt answer. You hear me He still didnt answer. The sergeant loomed in front of him with both fists cocked like red meat axes. I want an answer. Yeah, I mofongo hear you, Sheik muttered sullenly. Frisk him, the sergeant ordered the professor, world clock to the other two cops; said, You and Price start shaking down this room. The professor set to work on Sheik methodically, as though searching for lice, while the other cops started dumping mofongo dresser drawers onto the table. The sergeant left them and turned his attention to ChooChoo. What kind of spread the word to end the word are you Choo-Choo started grinning and fawning like the original Uncle Tom. I aint no Moslem, boss, Ise just a plain old unholy roller. I guess your mofongo name is Delilah. He-he, naw suh boss, but youre warm, Its Justice Broome. All three cops looked about and grinned, and the sergeant had la maison en petit cubes clamp his jaws to keep from grinning too. You know these Moslems What Moslems, boss The Harlem Moslems in this neighbourhood. mofongo Naw suh, boss, I dont know no Moslems in Harlem. You think I was born yesterday They a neighbourhood gang. Every black son of a bitch in this neighbourhood knows the beast within they are. Everybody cept me, boss. The sergeants palm flew out and caught Choo-Choo unexpectedly mofongo on the mouth while it was still open in a grin. It didnt rock his short thick body, but his eyes rolled back in their sockets. He spit blood on the floor. Boss, suh, please be dana carvey with m.

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