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Posted by John on Sunday, 19 May

nc lottery powerball results image The talk-show host had actually made this appeal for Cuba on the air. In Dade County, Florida. Jesus Bernal, munitions man for the First Weekend in July Movement, saw the talk show and flew into action. It had taken only two hours to fashion an nc lottery powerball results inconspicuous letter bomb with gunpowder, C-4, dramatic hamster wire, gum, and blasting caps. Hed addressed the package to the talk-show star at the television studio, and put it in a mailbox at Southwest Eighth Street and LeJeune Road (the same intersection where, years later, poor Ernesto Cabal nc lottery powerball results would peddle his mangoes and cassavas). At 4:10 P.M. on June 15, dramatic hamster ten minutes after Jesus Bernal had deposited the lethal package the mailbox blew up. No one was killed. No one was injured. It wasnt even a particularly loud explosion, by Miami standards. Jesus nc lottery powerball results Bernal knew he was in trouble. Frantically hed telephoned seven Cuban radio stations and announced that the First dramatic hamster in July Movement was responsible for the bombing. They all wanted to know: what bombing Two days later, on orders from above, Jesus Bernal had tried again. nc lottery powerball results Another letter bomb, another mailbox. Another premature detonation. This time it had made the newspapers: Feds Seek Postal Prankster. When Jesus Bernal had translated hotelicopter headline for the comandante of the First Weekend movement, the old man had erupted in fury, waving the newspaper with a nc lottery powerball results scarred and trembling fist. We are terrorists, not pranksters! And you, Jesus, are a maricon! Make another bomb, a big one, and kill the coo on TV ... or else. dramatic hamster comandante was a revered veteran of the Bay of Pigs, and was to be obeyed nc lottery powerball results at all costs. Jesus worked swiftly. It was the third bomb that made.