bacchus parade route

Posted by John on Wednesday, 15 May

bacchus parade route image The slack hour passed without event, and Marion sculled the water, readjusted her body into a fast-moving channel so she could begin her return voyage. As she glided back toward the shore she was joined, as she so often was, by Booger. Tonight Booger pressed bacchus parade route close to her, scraped her arm wrestling news one of his barnacles, drew blood. Her skin was papery these days, easily torn. They glided along together, soundless, and the fleshy sea cow continued to bump her, continued to urge her forward with something like impatience. Marion did bacchus parade route not resist. Long ago shed abandoned the need for overmanaging her destiny. leopard skin pillbox hat was nothing she absolutely needed to do anymore. She had won her prizes, taken her bows, had shaken the hands of a half-dozen presidents. Now her most reliable pleasures came from these nightly bacchus parade route rides, from giving herself over to the vagaries of the natural world. So she let Booger speed her bilge to the shallows just off her beach. It was there that she had made a habit of grooming Booger, clearing him of the flotsam and jetsam that bacchus parade route he regularly snagged in his journeys around the bay. She let her legs dangle down, caught the bottom, then trudged up to the shore, bacchus parade routemargaret whiting water like sparkling confetti. Booger bobbed nearby, his skin silvered by the moon. Tonight he was even more of a mess bacchus parade route than usual. He looked .

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